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Best of 2021: When to abandon your Launch Goals Dec 20, 2021

If you have ever been disappointed by the outcome of your launch, you need to listen up

On today's episode, I am jumping all the way back to Episode 0038 to share the difference between setting launch goals and launch expectations. If you’ve ever walked away from a launch feeling disappointed and wondering if it’s time to throw in the towel, this episode is for you.


  • How to know when it’s time to move the...
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Best of 2021: The 5 Surprising Reasons your Offers arenโ€™t Converting Dec 13, 2021


If your offer isn’t attracting the kinds of conversions you were looking for, you might be making one of these 5 surprising mistakes

In today’s episode, I am jumping all the way back to Episode 009 to share the five biggest mistakes I see online entrepreneurs making with their offers, and how to fix them.

Tune in to find out if you’re making one of them, and what to do next.


  • The #1 reason...
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Being the Aligned Visionary in your business Dec 06, 2021

Want to take your business past 6 figures and beyond? The version of you your business needs to thrive is the Aligned Visionary! In this episode, I am breaking down the 6 levels of alignment your business needs.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • How you specifically were meant to run your business (and it’s not like you think)
  • The reason your offers might not be selling out
  • How to tap into the greater purpose of your business
  • Who you will become as you...
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Want to grow a team? Listen to this first Nov 29, 2021

Ready to grow a team? Don’t publish that “help wanted” ad before you listen to today’s episode! I am sharing the 3 biggest lessons I learned while growing a team in 2021, and the 3 things you should do before you hire.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • The worst reason to hire a team
  • What you need to do first before you hire
  • How to set your team up for success
  • The key to scaling your business

When you finish listening, I'd love to hear what you...

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How to price your online course Nov 15, 2021

Ever felt overwhelmed by trying to price your offers? On today’s episode, I am breaking it all down and helping you finally answer the question “How do I price my online course?”

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • 3 common misconceptions when it comes to your price 
  • What actually should be considered when pricing your digital course
  • How to tell if you have the right price
  • When you should consider increasing your price

When you finish listening,...

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Are you ready to get off the launch revenue rollercoaster?

Apply for the Quantum Course Lab!

 We help our clients streamline their online course sales and delivery to increase revenue, amplify visibility, and create a business you don't need vacation from! By designing your quantum sales system, you will grow your impact, and your income, while launching less and serving your clients more. 

Learn more about the Quantum Course Lab.