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What the Spice Girls Have to Do With Your Online Course Launch

Jun 10, 2021

In this blog, let’s talk about your promise, which is one of the five different things your offers need to convert your ideal clients. And that promise reminds me of the Spice Girls song:

“You have to be clear on what your ideal client really, really wants

Because they tell you what they really, really want”

This is how you will get even more clarity on the promise of your offer! You want them to tell you what they really, really want so you can understand what they really, really want. That is how you can start marketing your program in a way that speaks to a deeper desire and connect past their objections to their subconscious wants.

Your Clients Care Less About What’s In the Box!

Let me tell you something. Nobody wants your course - and I don’t mean that in a mean way.

I see so many coaches focusing on what comes in the box - the videos, the workbooks, etc. They speak to people at a level that falls flat because these are not what their prospective clients are looking for.

What people really, really want is what these videos, these workbooks will get them. They want results - either a solution to their problem, a mastery for a certain skill, or something else.

The same is true with your course. Your ideal client is not out there searching for workbooks or videos. They want what your course gets them.

And that is your promise. Your promise is the reason why people are actually purchasing from you - not because you are giving them a lot of videos or fancy workbooks.

People Don’t Make Decisions from Features. They Make Decisions from Outcomes!

Imagine Netflix telling you that they have 750,000 videos on their sales page. Imagine them not telling you what you get - which is entertainment, value, the shows you want to watch.

At the end of the day, nobody is going to applaud how many videos they have. That is not what people are subscribing to Netflix for. They’re subscribing because of what they get from the subscription.

Now apply that to your course.

Stop worrying about the features and start selling the outcomes. That’s when you’re going to connect in your ideal client’s brain, that your program is the right answer for them. Everybody is going to choose the outcome over the process that takes to get that outcome any day.

Instead of trying to sell them on why your videos are the best videos, start selling them on how your program, videos and all, can get them to the best outcome.

This is going to completely change the game in your marketing. When you get clear on your promise, your offer will not only speak to your clients on that deeper, subconscious level but will also rise above any other alternative. They will feel like you get them, that you understand them.

Why You Need to Master Figuring Out Your Promise

Figuring out your promise and getting clarity on it will help you achieve two crucial things:

  1. Improve your messaging as a whole
  2. Connect to why your clients want to buy your program in the first place
  3. Improve your content
  4. Improve how you’re attracting people to your funnel
  5. Less objections and more conversions

Putting a Level of Personal Responsibility on Your Clients

But wait!

This doesn’t mean that you are promising clients an outcome. This just means that you are promising them that you’re going to teach them how to get those results.

There should always be a level of personal responsibility in the contract that you make with your clients. If you’re afraid to put yourself out there and say that you can help people do something because you’re afraid of not making promises you can’t keep, you are taking on that responsibility for them. Your clients also have to show up and do the work. They are responsible for getting themselves the results that they want.

You see, a personal trainer can teach you how to do push ups. But, they can’t do the push ups for you. Create an atmosphere where they take on that personal responsibility through clear messaging. Teach them how to get the results they want but don’t promise certain outcomes since you cannot do the work for them - unless it’s a done-for-you service.

You Can’t Guarantee Results - And That’s Okay!

Your promise is not the promise of a specific outcome. But it’s a promise of what that outcome will get them. That is what speaks to that deeper subconscious desire. When you’re clear on the promise of your program, you can market it much more effectively.

Instead of:

“My program has 5 modules and 15 workbooks to help you launch your business”

You can say:

“My program will give you the tools to lay out a plan to launch your business, the skills to get you out of your own way, and will help you finally get your idea into the world so you can make the impact you desire and start bringing in a new stream of income.

Doesn’t the latter sound more impactful?

The Easiest Way to Figure Out What Your Ideal Client Really, Really Wants

Want to know what it is? Simple - just ask them.

I know that sounds really simple. But it IS that simple!

Want to get more in-depth about Spice Girls marketing? Listen to the full episode here.

See you in the next blog!