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10 REAL Things Every Course Creator Needs To Know

podcast May 10, 2021

I have taken all of the lessons I've learned over the years and compiled them into a list of the 10 things that every course creator needs to know.

When I started my business, my first course was a mess. Looking back at it now, I put together my course in a way that even I had no idea why. There were no bonuses, no intention, no real container. And I launched it in just three days. It was just a pure hot mess.

But I learned a ton in that process. I was able to tweak many things in that program and kept reconfiguring it until finally, I reached a Bazinga! moment. Today, over 500 students have gone through that program and have successfully learned the art of remastering, redesigning, and re-intention.

I have taken all of the lessons I've learned over the years and compiled them into a list of the 10 things that every course creator needs to know. Ready? Let’s dive in!


1. What feels ordinary to you is extraordinary to others.

If there is something in your life that is just so easy and obvious that it's commonplace, that's probably your genius. This is a concept most people find incredibly hard to grasp. When you have thoughts and ideas that run in your head 24/7, they may start to feel like common knowledge. But it's not. Know that not everybody thinks about things the same way that you do. Not everybody has an easy time doing the things that you have an easy time doing.

What is the thing that comes the most easily to you and everybody comes to you for it? It might be worth taking a look and seeing if there's an opportunity to shift your business in that direction. 


2. Not everyone learns the same way.

This is something obvious but still often forgotten. Everybody thinks differently and so, everybody learns things differently. As a course creator, you need to apply that and try to give everybody an opportunity to learn.

Here are 3 types of learners you want to keep in mind during your course creation process:

  • Visual learners - They have to see something for them to process it. Visual learners rely most on slides, workbooks, diagrams, and information written out so they can take it all in. 
  • Auditory learners - They benefit from video modules or audio tracks. Auditory learners need the information to go through their ears to solidify it in their brains. 
  • Kinesthetic learners - They prefer hands-on experiences. Kinesthetic learners tend to lean more into any opportunity in which they can apply what they're learning into their lives. Giving them exercises and homework to apply what they’re learning is what’s going to stick with them. 

Keeping these learning styles in mind will not only help create a more robust program, but you will also hit students with how they learn best. And isn’t that the end goal of any course?


3. Your client’s success is not your responsibility.

Some coaches might feel differently about this but it’s the hard truth. As a course creator, your only responsibility in the process is to teach them how to be successful. You cannot do it for them. You can only teach them how to do it themselves. 

It is now up to your students to take into their own hands how to apply everything they have learned and understood from your course.


4. Treat your business like a science experiment.

One of the biggest mistakes I see course creators make is treating every launch as a make-or-break moment. Here’s the thing: if you didn't hit the goal, it’s only because you still have a lesson to learn before you hit that goal.

If one offer doesn't work, make another offer. If one post goes to crickets, make another post. This is how you grow and learn. It truly is that simple.


5. Some people won't complete your program. 

By now, you should already know this. There are hundreds of reasons why somebody didn't complete your program. And I bet you most of the time, it's not about you. So, don't let it weigh on you.

They might come across a different program that serves their needs more immediately, so they go with that one. Know that your student bought your program with the best intentions. It’s just that, sometimes, life gets in the way. 


6. Budget for refunds.

As a business owner, you should be budgeting for refunds. As a course creator, don’t ever come unprepared. Refunds are an inevitable part of this whole journey. Students will request refunds, they will default on their payment plans. Personally, I set aside 5% of all launch revenue for potential refunds. I don't always reach that. But I never want to have to take money back out of my business that was not allocated to that.

Another thing, be clear with your refund policies and prepare how to handle such situations. When the program is over, you have this little chunk of money that you can put back into your business and build a little nest egg for future things.


7. It is not other people’s job to understand what you do.

Magic happens the moment you stop seeking validation from your family members and start taking action on what you know is possible. Your parents’ validation is not going to pay your bills.

It is not your dad's job nor Kathy from high school's job to understand what you do. It is your job to follow your vision and create the program or business that you feel pulled and destined to create. 


8. You need to put something in to get something out.

If you are trying to build a business for free, it's not going to work. It’s not because you are not spending money on anything because not all investment is monetary. It is because you're not invested energetically. You are not invested with your heart. 

When you put skin in the game, you show up differently you become invested.


9. Making 10K months will not make you feel successful.

I hate to be the one to break this to you but the truth is, one magic number or milestone will never do it for you, you have to choose. You don't have to wait until you have 10K months. You don't have to wait until you hit six figures or until you buy your dream home or until you hire a team.  You don't have to wait until you are somewhere else to feel successful.

Feeling grateful for where you are now will only attract more of that feeling and more success into your life.


10. The secret to success is failure.

If you are too afraid to fail, you are too afraid to try. The only way to be successful is to learn and the way to learn is to try. And you can only try when you release your fear of failure and your fear of what failure means about you. 

If you are sitting back, reading this and there's a goal in your heart or a dream in your soul to do something bigger, do it. It’s time you stop letting your fear of failure keep you from taking the actions that are ultimately going to lead to your success.


Your Takeaways

We’ve talked about some pretty big and deep things, huh? Which number did you need to hear the most? I would love to hear your biggest takeaway from this. Make sure to not let this turn into another thing that you hear and then override. Pick one, put it in your soul, take action on it, and shift the way that you show up today.

If you need more details about this, listen to the full episode here.

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